Saturday, September 25, 2010

Family photos

I was so excited to meet the family today! They happened to win a free shoot from me during a little promotion I posted on Facebook a couple weeks back! Lucky for Mom she is a facebook night-owl like me and saw it right when I posted it! :) I couldn't have asked for a cuter family to take pictures of! These boys are adorable! (Little Man really didn't care a whole lot that I was there to take pics of him, he just wanted that big stick!). I think I got some really cute pictures of him anyway against his wishes!

Little Man and his Stick! (its okay buddy I don't mind taking pictures with sticks in them)

And how cute is his big brother!? :) What a great helper!

I just love this one....

"Say hello to my little friend..."

How precious is this Family?! (I just LOVE little man doing his thing!)

I heart this picture...

And of course the kids are cute! Just look at Mom and Dad....

Thank you Guys so much for Taking the time to wander around the Lake with me. I know it was so HOT. Mom you must have been DYING in that sweater! I can't wait to get the rest of your images processed for you. I hope you like these! It was great meeting you all :)


  1. Wow, awesome shots! Looks like the kids had fun :D

  2. beautiful family...and wonderful job!!!

  3. I could not be any more proud!!! what a beautiful group of people! Lots of love and GOOD STUFF !

  4. LOVE that picture of the kids shielding their eyes! Classic and adorable!
