Saturday, September 25, 2010

Family photos

I was so excited to meet the family today! They happened to win a free shoot from me during a little promotion I posted on Facebook a couple weeks back! Lucky for Mom she is a facebook night-owl like me and saw it right when I posted it! :) I couldn't have asked for a cuter family to take pictures of! These boys are adorable! (Little Man really didn't care a whole lot that I was there to take pics of him, he just wanted that big stick!). I think I got some really cute pictures of him anyway against his wishes!

Little Man and his Stick! (its okay buddy I don't mind taking pictures with sticks in them)

And how cute is his big brother!? :) What a great helper!

I just love this one....

"Say hello to my little friend..."

How precious is this Family?! (I just LOVE little man doing his thing!)

I heart this picture...

And of course the kids are cute! Just look at Mom and Dad....

Thank you Guys so much for Taking the time to wander around the Lake with me. I know it was so HOT. Mom you must have been DYING in that sweater! I can't wait to get the rest of your images processed for you. I hope you like these! It was great meeting you all :)

Friday, September 24, 2010

A Day home with Mom

My little Princess was home with me today. Her school was closed so it was a perfect day to spend the day together. She was so happy when we were getting ready and I was painting her toenails and curled her hair. She was soaking up all the girly attention and pampering. So with the promise of ice cream, we set out with the camera and wandered (and by wandered I mean drove) around base clicking away! This first one is my fave.

Inspired by a shoot I did for class. And I needed to make sure I captured the newly painted toes!
This is another fave of mine! ;) *wink*

It was CRAZY hot out here today but we rocked it and had a good time. The ice cream at the end was totally worth it ;) I love my little monkey!
btw... some of these were taken at the Gas Station :) Bricks and good light... What more can u ask for?

Saturday, September 18, 2010

I Want These In My Size

I have an obsession. If you don't know me then you will be learning something vital about me right now. If you do know me, then you probably already have a picture in your mind about what you are going to see here. I have passed this obsession on to my Daughter. I'm pretty sure she doesn't have it as bad as me. Her future husband can only hope. CUPCAKES. I know, it has become a very popular thing to be crazy about lately, but I promise you I was nuts about it long before it became "the thing". But, I must say I am glad it has become a craze. I am only reaping the benefits of the plethora of cupcake goods available to me now. *I swoon* For instance... THESE PANTS!! Thank you to The Children's Place for making my day. And My Daughter's Of Course! ;)

See how Happy they make me. I mean Her!

I love these pants. Do you think that The Children's Place would consider making a pair in my size?

P.S. There is a Shirt that Matches, but it is off-white and I didn't want her to get it Dirty. Yet...

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Website and New Boudoir "Name"

I started my WEBSITE !!! I can't wait for everyone to check it out. But I spent most of the Day making it better and divided it into two sections. One for Lifestyle Photography and the other for Boudoir. And of Course Boudoir needed a great name of it's own! Welcome to "Tantalize by Atlanta Hernandez Photography"! I can't wait to get some more amazing women on here!!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Back to School and Growing Fast

So this is my Baby. Funny, right? He doesn't look much like one. I really Can't believe how fast time has gone. Feels like just yesterday I was taking him to preschool and drawing crayon pictures on all his napkins in his lunch. Now we've graduated to pen. ;) 3rd grade is no joke. We tried to explain that to him, but Im not quite sure he is on board with the whole having to behave and actually read something every day thing. Grant me strength for homework time... But seriously, back to school means lots more organization is needed in this house. I guess that has to start with me? Oy. We're in trouble.
Anyway, This Morning was a rush to get ready but of COURSE I took the time to take a few pics of my handsome man. I mean, look at him. Isn't he gorgeous?! The First thing out of his mouth when we walked out the door was "It's FALL!!!!!". It was like it happened over night. We went to bed last night and it was summer and we woke up and there were leaves on the ground. So amazing...

And of course we must capture the new digs. These shoes will never look this new again. I thought I would freeze them in time.

Again, look at my boy. He is something else. I just <3 Him to pieces.