Today, I had the pleasure of finally meeting and hanging out with Jolynn. You see, we have been friends on Facebook for a while now (like, probably going on a year), and although we live about 3 mins from eachother we have never
really met in person. There
was that one time we passed eachother at the Doctors office, but that doesn't count. Anyway, she was awesome enough to chose me to take her Maternity photos and I hope she loves them. This is a Sneak Peek... A long one. :)

How cute is this :) So sweet.

Jolynn and Josh are in for the best gift of their lives.

I thought she might knock Josh out, but she was a good sport and he came out unscathed!!

And of Course we couldn't leave out Big Sister Roxy :) Such a good girl.
I love this. It feels a little "Secret Garden" to me :)

They were such good sports! Josh didn't even complain once about the Flip Flops we made him wear!
How beautiful is this Momma to be? :) She just looks so happy! Kaelynn is a lucky girl.

Especially with such loving parents!

I loved the color in this one!

And after Jolynn decided she liked me enough, and I was able to convince her she was insane for being self conscious, she let me take a couple bare belly shots! She looks

I hope you both enjoyed hanging out with me today, I know I had a great time! Hope you like these! I can't wait to meet your little princess! Maybe I'll even get to take her newborn photos? ;) Yay for Babies!!!