Been out of commission for a little while now, but the show must go on, and the homework must get done! I bribed my husband and his friend to model for me today (W.O.W Gold is aparently just as good as real gold in our houses) and I think we got some pretty good Studio Shots in. There were a few times I was laughing so hard I couldnt even press the shutter button! Maybe I will convince my Man to let me post some of those outtakes as well. Wouldn't want to deprive everyone else of the Joy that took Place at AIW today! Anyway here are the sexy beasts below! Arent they Handsome?!

Thanks Babe! I owe you!

Cami, THANK YOU for allowing me to borrow your husband today! And thank you Jer for being such a good sport!
BTW. I refuse to spend that much time with the Two of them again without Backup...